Dr. Tom Stammers is Reader in Art and Cultural History at the Courtauld Institute, University of London. He is a cultural historian of modern France and modern Europe, having taught previously in Cambridge, Paris and Durham. His first book, the Purchase of the Past: The Culture of Collecting in Post-Revolutionary Paris (c.1790-1890), won the 2021 Gladstone Prize from The Royal Historical Society.
He was co-investigator on our AHRC-funded project ‘Jewish Country Houses: Objects, Networks, People’, the outputs from which include two forthcoming volumes on Jewish dealers and Jewish collectors in modern Europe (both co-edited with Silvia Davoli):
S. Davoli, T. Stammers (ed.) Jewish Dealers and the European Art World c.1860-1940: Negotiating Cultural Modernity. ‘Contextualising Art Markets Series’: Bloomsbury Publishing, 23 January 2025.
S.Davoli, T. Stammers (ed.) The Contours of ‘Jewish’ Collecting: Art and Identity in Modern Europe, c.1860-1940. Harvey Miller/Brepols Publishing, forthcoming in 2025.
Tom is currently working on a monograph on the Jewish cultural revival in Edwardian London, looking at a range of collections related to Jewish history and identity, from manuscripts and antiquities to bookplates and modern art. With Silvia Davoli, Tom is also overseeing a new strand of the project looking at the Jewish engagement with archaeology and antiquity collecting in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.