
UK curators

"The properties, staff and volunteers for this growing number of sites now form a group that can support and learn from each other while we continue to explore the broad histories of the places in our care, some built by Jews and those of Jewish origin, some with other connections to Jewish heritage and culture, and to share them with our visitors and wider audiences".

"Participation in the Jewish Country House project has allowed us to explore a hidden aspect of the history of one of the most important owners of (our property)...  In the absence of the JCH project this narrative would have remained submerged and anecdotal".

"[JCH] training has been important in building confidence in telling Jewish stories and in raising awareness of the Jewish heritage of National Trust properties as an important research strand."

European Heritage partners

"Without the experience and contacts made at project joint events, I would have found this work much harder to do. It's great to see how Jewish houses are managed all over the world and how the stories of their owners are told. Including the most difficult subject – how to describe to the public the murders and property seizures during the Holocaust, as well as the subsequent persecution under the communist regime".

European heritage professional 

"Being part of the JCH project - and meeting so many inspiring professionals from a range of fields - has had a deep impact on my practise".

Public art professional 

"The research group of the Jewish Country Houses project  is, in this context, a precious leaven of inspiration, comparison and reflection, able to preserve and enrich ever more the strong spirit of the places".   

European heritage professional 

"We have been working with Jewish heritage organizations across Europe for many years ... but it is only thanks to Professor Green’s research and the international network she has created that we have been able to incorporate Jewish country house museums into our work, both in Britain and in other European countries. This is particularly exciting for us because it allows us to open up a new angle on the Jewish heritage, one that is simultaneously revealing and complex, allowing us to engage an entirely new public."

Victor Sorenssen, Director, AEPJ (November 2020)

Historians and researchers

"Jewish Country Houses has proved a fabulous incubator to help me develop my own line of research"

Affiliated European researcher 

"By the time we concluded the final panel ... I felt that a new field of enquiry across these disciplines was taking shape.” 

Graduate student